Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Psychiatry Certification Exam Review - Now a series!

Psychiatry Certification Examination Review for Clinical Psychiatry Component Volumes 2 and 3 my  are now out, just a few months after the release of volume 1!


I'm glad the review book is now a series. With a total of 100 case vignettes (for all volumes 1, 2, and 3) and about 876 challenging questions, these reviewers should help many psychiatry certification exam candidates obtain the elusive diplomate status.

For details, visit Psychiatry Reviewer at your convenience.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Update for ABPN 2 Review Course

As part of our continuing efforts to improve the review course Psychiatry Oral Boards Review for ABPN II, we have added an enhancement.

Our Clinical Vignettes and Module for ABPN 2 now includes a PDF format which is downloadable through an email link or through our other site Psychiatry Review Series.

Psychiatry Board Review for ABPN II -- a cost-effective way to prepare, right where you are!

Friday, May 11, 2012

New book is out for ABPN's new Psychiatry Certification Examination

In 2011, the ABPN released a new format called Psychiatry Certification Examination for certifying psychiatrist. It consists of about 9.5 hours of gruelling three-session exam. Although it doesn't involve actual interview, it offers its own challenges, especially the Clinical Psychiatry section.

To help exam candidates deal with the hurdle, I've recently published the book Psychiatry Certification Examination Review for the Clinical Psychiatry Component.

With so many vignettes and hundreds of thought-provoking questions, I believe that this book can lessen the stress and improve the preparation for ABPN's new certification format. You may visit our Psychiatry Review Series for details.